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Have you always dreamed of actually being paid for being creative? Turn your dreams into reality with a quality art education from a top notch art college. Our art schools and art colleges offer flexible, dynamic programs in graphic design, fashion design, interior design and photography.


Find the perfect art school near you by looking through our directory of programs in the US and Canada. With many art schools offering both daytime and evening classes, and even online courses, you're sure to find a program that fits your schedule. Explore the wide variety of art schools and degree programs available to you, and finally get the art education you've been waiting for!


Online Art Schools & Degrees.  Study digital design, web design, graphic design, multimedia, and online game development 100% online at the Art Institute Online.  Learn more here.   




Fashion Merchandising Schools & Degrees.  Whether you are looking for a diploma or a fast-track degree, these fashion design colleges have what you are looking for.  Make a career out of fashion at one of these fashion merchandising colleges near you. 


Fashion Design Schools & Degrees.  Whether you are looking for a diploma or a fast-track degree, these fashion design colleges have what you are looking for.  Make a career out of fashion at one of these fashion design colleges near you. 


Photography Schools & Degrees.  Students in still photography may choose from any one of six majors:  Advertising, Commercial, Digital Imaging, Digital Media, Portraiture, and Industrial/Scientific. 


Film Schools & Motion Pictures Degrees.  These schools offering a Motion Pictures & Television program prepare students to enter this competitive industry.


Interior Design Schools & Degrees.  These schools offering the Interior Architecture & Design program integrate theory, design and technology in tandem with industry standards.




Computer and Tech Resources:  All of the schools and training programs we recommend here have basic requirements for technology that you will need to provide yourself. We recommend a powerful yet affordable option for computers - a new Asus F555la laptop. For more information, here's a helpful Asus F555LA AB31 Review.


We also recommend a multifunction mouse for use in the courses, typically called a "gaming mouse."


Furthermore, as a technology-creative student, you are going to be spending a significant amount of time in front of a screen. We strongly recommend picking up a pair of blue-light blocking computer glasses. We recommend this source: https://ambreyewear.com/ since they have free shipping to the USA and Canada, and their glasses are not tinted, so they won't alter your color perception.


Web Design Schools & Degrees.  Web Design Associate Degree Programs combine the fundamentals of computing, digital video and audio, graphics, layout, interactivity and web technology, as well as general education courses intended to foster critical thinking.


Graphic Design Schools & Degrees.  These schools offering the Graphic Design program emphasize conceptual development, strategic thinking, mastery of technique and verbal presentation within an environment that stimulates innovation.


Video Game Design Schools & Degrees.  Game artists are the skilled and imaginative individuals who bring a game designer’s concept to life. In this program, your education centers around creating the content — from characters to environments — seen on the computer screen. You’ll learn how to draw, visualize, and use color. The curriculum includes modeling (creating a character or object), scene and set design, motion capture, animation, texture mapping, and more.


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